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A martyr in twilight

28 Dec

After the initial shock wore off and minutes after the gravity of the situation dawned upon me, a sheer sense of unexplained sadness snaked its way into heart and engulfed me completely.The assassination of Benazir Bhutto was something which I never thought would happen.

I see her name /images/video clippings almost every other day either in the newspapers or in TV news channels; of her interviews, speeches… just about everything she has been doing since her dramatic return to Pakistan. And, why not? She is after all the prodigal daughter of PAKISTAN!

You may admire her for what she has been doing since her return to her homeland or hate her completely for straying away from her party’s political ideologies by drinking with the devil himself (the General, of course) to restore democracy in the country. But you can never ignore her. She was the last clarion for democracy in Pakistan.

To me she always appeared alive, pristine and had a controlled persona about the way she went about doing things which wanted to do. Like Hindu editorial aptly pointed out- She was a very courageous leader who wanted to set right the things which went wrong.

She is no more now. And with that, Pakistan has lost its most prominent torchbearer in its odyssey to become a stable democratic nation. Had she done that… had she single handedly restored democracy in the country , she would have entered the annals of Pakistan as a leader par excellence bring hope and future to the people.

In death however though, she as entered the history books as a martyr.

To Ms Bhutto (hear me if you can)

Couple of months down the lane, the world would forget you. A year from now, they would only remember you on your death anniversary’s. But believe me, it is better that way. Because, Ms Bhutto , you are not going to miss anything down here. Be happy where ever you are right now and curse the fate for not giving you the time to complete your duty.

Farewell, Ms Bhutto.