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Hate the bad typos…

17 Dec

I just went through my previous blog posts and suddenly realize that they are reeked with typos..

I am old school.. I love to write and ink my thoughts rather that type. That explains my “typo” problem .. my creativity is at its best when i can take a pencil or an ink pen and watch the words from my English language lexicon thickets do magic ..
I never find comfort in using MS Word . The one real time i really enjoy using the keyboard is when i play Pc games to frag monsters in doom or snip that Al Queda terrorist in Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare ..

Lol 🙂

PG Wodehouse books at dirt cheap rates

13 Dec

How many of you guys are real PG Wodehouse buff like me ? If you fall into this category then i am quiet sure you read Wodehouse books either from British council, school/college library or private library. You actually dint buy one cos it was too costly . Somehwere in 250-350 range,right ? 
Not anymore. Check out the PG Wodehouse books available at Landmark book stores in India. You now get PG Wodehouse books for Rs 100 bucks . Aint that cool ?


So go ahead and stock up your library shelves with Jeevs and Blandings castle stories ..

The Big Bad US recession – where did Ivy league gards go?

13 Dec

Enough has been written,discussed, debated on the US recession, failure of I banks and now the assured bankruptcy of the world’s top auto mobile companies.
Even India is feeling the heat of this recession . follow the sensex if you dont know what I am saying …

But correct me if I am wrong. the world’s best I-bank’s ( Freddie & Mae, AIG, Bear Stearns ) and Auto companies ( Ford, Chrysler, GM) hired from world’s best Ivy B schools. right ? These grads from Harvard, Standard, MIT, IIM, IIT,Kellogg s are considered the best minds in business and technology.
How come these guys did get a whiff of what’s happening or what was about happen? I mean, look .. the stock market guys are like watching the NASDAQ 24×7, the US policy makers ( all having Goldman Sachs background) kept constant watch on the stats and trends everyday . at least, that’s what they are supposed to do and supposed to be good at ..

So what went wrong? does that mean, all the best education the world can give, the best money can buy is for nothing ?
why then should i go to B-school of Ivy status , if they cant equip me to face, identify and sort out such problems ?

why ? The best answer is that while they made tons of money occupying their position , they simply failed to do the job.

I would rather do my management degree in a normal to decent college, get a respectable job , get a decent salary to lead a good simple life, keep my family safe and happy and do all that i can to the society and be happy forever.

what do you guys think ?

If you dont want to sleep at noon

12 Dec

I have realised by trial and error method that if you eat less in the afternoon ( moderate quantity of rice that is ..) you wont feel sleepy at all .

it helps :
– i dont sleep at noon and hence easier to sleep on time at night
– catch up on reading during that “siesta” hour.

The Dalit Queen

10 Apr

Mayawati Kumar

The 85th edition of the TIME magazine (page 22 to be precise) has an article which kinda bowled me out.
According to the article, Mayawati may well be a potential candidate for the post of Prime Minister for the next general election.

Here are the reasons why she is considered for the coveted post:

  • She is a Dalit
  • She is the Chief Minister of India’s most populated state- UP
  • She is from BSP
  • Since both INC and BJP won’t win a single majority, she may well turn out to be the deciding factor. Which means – she would be the King maker, or should I say – Queen Maker.

The article also states:

  • She is under CBI investigation
  • She is worth (declared assets) $13m.
  • A self declared “living goddess”

The day Mayawati becomes the PM of India; the country will truly go to the dogs!